Please come out this Saturday, July 23rd!
For another Live Silkscreen Event, to be held at Pandemic!
In the past this event has had a great turnout, incredible reviews, and an amazing time is had by all involved!
Prints, shirts and other artwork will be on display in the gallery, but you will also get a chance to interact with the artists and see the process of
silk screening Live! Transferring the art directly onto your gear!
This year, Pandemic has teamed up with the artists from Bushwick Print Lab to bring you a wide variety of designs!
The event will be held from 12noon - 7pm
Please stop by and get your shirt, pants, hoodie, sketchbook, poster, or whatever you feel like to be screened! With designs by some of our, and Bushwick Print Lab artists!
Certain Pandemic artists, who's screen designs will be featured, will also be painting live, directly on the walls:
Royce Bannon, Deeker, Darkclouds, Celso, Matt Siren, Keely, gay sex, and More TBA
We will be serving Bloody Mary's and Beer will be provided by PBR!
Hope to see you there!