Pandemic Gallery Presents:
The greatest game you probably haven't played yet!
Invented (or at least perfected) by Derek Pippin
Opening Reception:
Sat. June 18th 2011, 7-11pm
Show runs through July 12th
What the #%*@ is BOXHOCKEY you ask? It is a glorious, homemade, indoor/ outdoor game played with two sticks and a hockey puck. The rules are simple, score! Slightly similar in play to Air-hockey or Foosball but completely in a league of it's own.
BOXHOCKEY has proven to be the gnarliest party game we have come to know. We have teamed up with the Inventor, Derek Pippin, a rather sophisticated gentleman who came up with the original BOXHOCKEY, set. Bringing you a show of epic proportions all based around wild game play and having an awesome time.
Besides the sets we will have installed and set up for live gaming, we will be displaying 10 custom painted sets from 10 different NYC street and fine artists. Guaranteed to be a raucous engagement!!
Join us!!
Participating Artists include:
Dirty Deeks
Don Pablo Pedro
Matt Siren
Scott Chasse
Tony Bones